Financial Reporting
Hospitality Financial Leadership – Live-in Arrangements – Part 1
The hotel business is perhaps the second oldest business in the world. I read that somewhere long ago, and it stuck. The kind of live-in arrangements described in this article are not about that but, rather, what our industry provided in the past to its senior leaders and managers. Some of what you’re about to read I experienced first hand…
Hospitality Financial Leadership – The Cat Killer
Warning – this blog post talks about cruelty to cats. I in no way support this practice and I am not promoting the activity in any way. The purpose of this article is to tell a story around the financial controls for hotel paid outs. Even with the disclaimer I am pretty sure I’ll get some flack, but…
Hospitality Financial Leadership – What Does It Mean to Have Your Balance Sheet Reconciled?
I discuss this question with hoteliers way too often. It’s not their fault, but the reality is they don’t understand what this statement means and, in this piece, I’m going to lay it out for you. I will say that the lack of understanding and basic ignorance of this is a costly and completely avoidable expense if you just do…
Hospitality Financial Leadership – Creating a Hotel Accounting Policy Manual and Internal Control Reviews
Hospitality Financial Leadership
Creating a Hotel Accounting Policy Manual and Internal Control Reviews
Hospitality Financial Leadership – Your Top 10 List of Excuses
Now I bet you’re wondering, excuses for what? Excuses for not jumping in the deep end with the financials in your hotel career. What’s your imagination telling you that’s wrong in your hotel that holds you back from owning your departmental expenses and payroll? What is the magic fairy dust that someone dumped on you that keeps you on the…