The Slick Talk Interview – What Exactly Are Owners Looking For From Their GM’s When It Comes To The Operational Finances?
In this hard hitting interview you will learn what to tell your owner about how you’re going to successfully manage their asset. What are the leadership strategies you will use to generate a superior return on their investment? How will you show up as the number one and instill confidence and lead your team around the money piece?
If you’re…
Hospitality Financial Leadership – A Boring Routine Secretly Equals Power
If you wish you could do more each day and you’re open to looking at things differently, to consider there may be a stronger system to follow, perhaps this one is for you. Also, if you’re a big fan of multi-tasking then YOU HAVE TO read this.
When we have a routine,…
Professional Hotel Bank and Balance Sheet Account Reconciliation Service For You
Now There Is Help With This Monthly Must Do Function
In Your Hotel
In a recent blog post I wrote about the importance of balancing your general ledger accounts each and every month.
This mission-critical monthly health…
Hospitality Financial Leadership – A Bit About “You Sally”
By someone’s estimate there are roughly one million hotels in the world. I take it that number includes all the different kinds of hotels from small inns and hostels all the way up to your full-service multi-outlet mega hotel operations. For simple math I am going to estimate that half of this number of hotels fall into the small…
Hospitality Financial Leadership – Moving Part 1
In the hotel business if you want to get ahead you better be ready to move. It’s the way in which you can multiply your opportunities and increase your chance for greater personal prosperity. That’s the way it was explained to me many years ago and it has certainly been my…
Chapter 13 – Serving
“My Story is not a story,” explained Mr. D, “It’s what really happened to me and it has had a profound impact on my life.
“I call it a story because it’s been told many times. For me it was the beginning of service leadership. It’s what I call “serving first” and coincidentally it’s your first lesson, Oliver.”