Get What You Want


“You can’t always get what you want.  But if you try sometimes, you might get what you need.” The Rolling Stones

A lot is said in this world of ours about how to create; wealth, love, business, relationships, healthy habits, I could fill the page with things people want in their lives and a gazillion books have been written to help you do just about anything. Blogs and such fill the bandwidth with so much information about how to do things. Don’t get me wrong this information is great stuff. We have access to really useful information and more than ever our options for creating traction in our lives with what we want to create are better.

But the one ingredient that is missing is doing it, wanting it and having the right amount of this ingredient. When I say the right amount what I really mean is an endless amount. That’s what it takes to build and sustain a worthwhile endeavor in this world of ours. The downside of the information age is we tend to get tripped up on the amount of information and think it’s going to win the day, bring us what we think we’re looking for. That’s not the way life works. Look at any worthwhile pursuit and you quickly see that the information, the how-to part is readily accessible. The desire and the commitment to continuous and permanent effort is what’s lacking.

So what can we do to create the kind of commitment that will really lead to meaningful change in our lives to allow us the opportunity to have the wealth, love and everything in this world that we desire. Well, it means we need to change. Suffice as to say if we don’t currently have what we want in our world then the doing and the “being” has not been sufficient. Doing things is important but who and how we are “being” is completely different and its where the square root of the equation is. What I mean by this is you can do exactly what someone else did and get a completely different result because your “being” is off the mark. Your being is off the mark because your reality is different. So we need to be able to see this and people can’t. So what’s wrong with their “being”. I keep putting “being” in quotations because it’s an elusive concept. It’s so elusive because we are not conscious to it. Someone else has to show us how we are “being” and we have to be open to receive this news. Not only do we need to be open to receive it we need to stay open to change it. Having someone tell you your being is off is not usually received well. If we are to have but a snowballs chance in hell to truly see this someone needs to show us and we need to be egoless when we have this experience.

Why can’t we see who and what we are being? We can’t see it because our ego won’t let us see it. Only when we surrender our ego do we have a chance to see and possibly change who and what we are being. Our ego is wrapped up in the story of us. We have learned this story and have bought into it for years, decades, a lifetime. The only chance we have to change it is to leave our ego and story behind. Anyone who knows us cannot help us with this, they have bought and are part of our stories, just as we have done with them. That’s the human condition we all share. We may see where someone’s “being” is off but we can’t tell them because their ego won’t let them hear it. Same applies to us, our friends and family can’t tell us anything because the ego won’t allow us to hear the message. We translate it with our story of them and us. The only chance we have to change is to be willing to surrender our ego. This is not even slightly possible for most people. We must WANT to change and our desire to change needs to be larger, much larger than our ego. So it’s the story of me vs. what I desire. Who/what will win?